In the summer of 2018, the Buen Camino team of Thrivent Financial was in need of a physical working space. They offer free educational financial sessions to San Antonio residents, with the hope of creating a social change in some of the most underserved areas. With their own new building under construction, and a lengthy timeline ahead, they needed a space where their team could meet regularly and also host small client meetings. Liseth, a New Business Strategy Consultant with Buen Camino, took some time to explain the gap that The Impact Guild has filled for them.
When Buen Camino first came to The Impact Guild, Liseth said her she and the team were encouraged and felt right at home. She explained, “It’s great to house your organization with a community who is also socially focused-it adds value. It was really encouraging & validating.” Additionally, as a start-up with the normal challenges new organizations face, Buen Camino enjoyed building community and discussing ideas with other members who were in similar situations. Also, with half of their team new to San Antonio, The Impact Guild’s community became a primary resource of local events, restaurants, and friendship.
However, it wasn’t just the Buen Camino team who enjoyed The Impact Guild – their clients did as well. While it was important for the team to be out in the community, they needed a home base. Their team met with over a hundred clients in the various conference rooms over the span of a year and the client’s feedback was consistently overwhelmingly positive – they loved the space.
However, it wasn’t just the physical space and the community. When asked what she misses about being at The Impact Guild daily, Liseth laughed and said “the coffee!”
The majority of the Buen Camino relocated to their new location, but two members have held their membership and come in whenever possible, including Listeth. She says that now that they’re not here every day, she misses The Impact Guild more than ever.
If you or your team need for a physical space, temporarily or permanently, we’d love to chat with you! Email amber@theimpactguild.com with any questions or to set up a time to visit.