Barbara Temple
Owner, 1 Stop Insurance Solutions San Antonio

Aaron Sachs
Customer Success Engineer, Sensu, Inc.
Hi I’m Aaron and I am a Customer Success Engineer at an infrastructure monitoring startup called Sensu.
I’m largely responsible for documentation, training, onboarding customers, and front-lines support. I also help keep the interwebs running at the Impact Guild.
How do you want to make an impact?
I’m a bridge builder kind of guy. I love helping boost other people in their careers, and have a soft spot in my heart for non-profits and IT. I’m currently working with Christian Assistance Ministry on their Queso Meltdown, and am helping them get their IT in order.
Ask me about…
Playing the banjo, brewing, or monitoring.
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio?
Revolucion Coffee – their Rev Street Taco is amazing and will likely turn me into a vegetarian.
Reach out to me about… my pretty badass biscuits and gravy.

Amanda Batsche
Principal Attorney, Batsche Law PLLC
Hi I’m Amanda Batsche, I am on a mission to make the law simplified for families by educating parents and guardians on how to protect their families, the importance of estate planning documents, and designating guardians for children.
How do you want to make an impact?
I want to help parents protect their children and prevent children from unnecessarily spending time in the care of child protective services when a parent is temporarily or permanently incapacitated. I also hope to find more ways to be a child advocate.
Ask me about…
Child advocacy, San Antonio… I love our city, and traveling.
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio?
I love Estate Coffee on near eastside and San Antonio Botanical Gardens. It’s a great place to explore (especially with the littles in the family adventure garden).
- amanda@batschelaw.com
- (210) 920-5661
- https://www.batschelaw.com

Amy Ickes
Founder & Executive Director, The Checed Group
Hi I’m Amy, and I support women in vocational ministry as well as the churches and organizations that employ them.
I provide coaching and consulting services in professional and spiritual development, leadership, teamwork, and empowering people to use their gifts and talents fully. I also write and teach about the Bible.
How do you want to make an impact?
I’m passionate about seeing people of all ages, races, religions, and socio-economic groups discover what they’re really good at and how their skills and gifts can change the world. I’m also a big fan of Fair Trade opportunities for women around the world.
Ask me about…
The West Wing, why New Jersey is an amazing state, giraffes, the Bible/Christianity, and the great outdoors. I’m also always available to be a listening ear, sounding board, and even to pray with or for you whenever you want!
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio?
I’m still pretty new here, but I love the Salado Creek Greenway!
- amy@aymiejoi.com
- (413) 977-2048
- https://www.aymiejoi.com/

Andrew Daniels
Head of Product Design, Kaleo Design
Hi, I’m Andrew Daniels, and I run Kaleo Design, a small but experienced team. We are a digital product design studio, we work with startups and established companies to design the user interface of Web Applications, SaaS Products, Native Applications, etc. We are looking forward to connecting with the tech community in San Antonio.
How do you want to make an impact? We are a group of like minded thinkers that want to provide experienced design decisions & solutions the city of San Antonio, we believe it is our duty to walk in the gifts we have been given and are responsible for multiplying our opportunities and blessing the clients and friends we work with.
Ask me about… Hiking, Reading, Scripture, Our place in the world, Science, Quantum Mechanics, Intelligent Design, Ai & the future of IoT.
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio? Liberty Bar.
- andrew@kaleo.design
- 210-405-5108
- https://kaleo.design

Andrew Martinez
WordPress Website Consultant Powerful Digital Solutions
Hi I’m Andrew Martinez and I am a WordPress Website Consultant. I help overwhelmed service based solopreneurs and other small business owners go from ideas on paper to a live, professional website that yields results. I specialize in WordPress website development and design.
In addition to having a passion for digital marketing and online entrepreneurship, I also have a passion for natural health and alternative medicine. I’m happy to advocate for the chiropractic profession when I have the opportunity. I also enjoy serving my local community through my church.
Ask me about the Marvel Universe. I love watching every Marvel movie. Since I love to read, you can also ask me what I’m currently reading (or what was the last book I read).
I like checking out bookstores and libraries. I would have to say the Mission Library is my favorite place. I love the scenery, small little Texas history museum inside, and the overall design.

Anna Munoz
Owner & Coach, Envisioning East Coaching & Consulting
Hi I’m Anna and I’m the owner of Envisioning East Coaching & Consulting, LLC.
I work with individuals, small businesses and nonprofits on accomplishing their goals using transformation coaching and empowerment.
How do you want to make an impact?
My goal is to empower people and help them make the best decision for their situation. My passion is helping victims of abuse get through their circumstances. Most recently, I am excited about helping people become financially independent.
Ask me about…
Outside the box goals, especially when you are stuck. I love getting my creative juices flowing, especially when it comes to fine arts or other creative ideas.
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio?
Patty’s Taco House!
- envisioningeast@gmail.com
- (210) 373-0625
- https://www.envisioningeast.com

Ashley Sachs
Customer Support Manager, appear.in
Hi, I’m Ashley and I work for a Norwegian based startup, appear.in. Our product makes video conferencing effortless by working straight from your browser. I currently handle support requests from customers while simultaneously working on building out a team of people and processes that will be sustainable for us as our company grows.
How do you want to make an impact?
At work I have a strong desire for personal growth and development. Working in support can often seem mundane so I always encourage my teammates to take time out to read/study/practice something that challenges them to be better at something they are passion about. Outside of work I have a heart for first time moms. Being one myself, I like to connect with other new mammas that need a little help navigating the crazy life adjustment of having a little one with all the great and no so great emotions that come with it.
Ask me about…
My passion for traveling, food and how those two things have introduced me to some of the most valuable life experiences and lessons.
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio?
Wednesday Date Night special at FreeTail’s 1604 location. Great economical escape for those that just want to enjoy some pizza and beer with the one they love. 🙂
Barbara Temple
Owner, 1 Stop Insurance Solutions San Antonio
Hi, I’m Barbara Temple and I help businesses and individuals reach their financial independence goals. I provide unique voluntary employee benefits for small businesses as well as showing people a way to plan and fund their end-of-life celebration. I will be doing some seminars in the next few months.
How do you want to make an impact?
Most everyone can probably see the benefit of planning and paying for their own funeral. When you do it with me, you can use the funds anywhere and not be tied to a specific funeral home. And I donate a percentage of proceeds to a local charity that assists victims of human trafficking and domestic violence.
Ask me about…I love to read! The quarantine allowed me to get a lot of that done! I also recently started going to an informal painting class on Wednesday mornings and that has been lots of fun.
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio? (A hidden gem?)
I have only lived in San Antonio for 1 1/2 years and spent most of that suffering through Covid19 restrictions. I would welcome suggestions!

Becca Kaiser
Graphic Designer, DeuxSouth Creativd
Hi! I’m Becca and I am a graphic designer at DeuxSouth Creative. I specialize in all things print and love tangible, functional, and quality design.
How do you want to make an impact?
I’m passionate about investing my time and talent for the cause of Christ and for the local church.
Ask me about…
Studio SuperCute 🙂 Cartoons, Cats, Colors & all things tiny and cute!
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio?
Southerleigh Fine Foods!!

Chris Climer
Hi I’m Chris Climer, and I am a remote location employee and aspiring entrepreneur.
I am currently employed as a technical writer and implementation project manager by an aviation maintenance management software company. My wife and I are residential real estate investors focused on long-term buy-and-hold strategies. My current entrepreneur-ing goals include the startup and development of a consulting business focused on business process reengineering.
How do you want to make an impact?
I would like to simplify my life and obtain financial independence to create time that can be invested to better serve those in my community and my world.
Ask me about…
How I am a Fitbit and nutrition nerd obsessed with food quality and calorie deficits.
What is your favorite place or event in San Antonio?
I love the city’s Greenway Trail System and spend hours every week exploring the north section of the Salado Creek Greenway. There is a ton of wildlife and diverse plant life. The trails are hard surfaced and wide, perfect for hiking, running, and biking.